Jeff(L) and Mark(R) with their beautiful F15s at the 2017 Plum Island Airport "JetOber" Jet Rally. What a fantastic event.
2017 Plum Island Airport JetOber Jet Rally. District 1 AVP Mark Montella's Sweet BAe Hawk. If I didn't know I'd say it was full scale!
2017 Plum Island Airport "JetOber" Jet Rally. Jeff Lynd's Tutor jet in Canadian Snowbirds livery. This jet has been around for a while and always pleases the spectators. Beauty.
F16 flyby, always a crowd pleaser. 2017 Plum Island Airport "JetOber" Jet Rally
Busy flight line at the 2017 Plum Island Airport "JetOber" Jet Rally. A great event.
2017 JetOber Jet Rally Plum Island, MA
Plum Island 2017 JetOber Jet Rally
What a great Jet Rally! 2017 Plum Island Airport
2017 PIARCF Plum Island "JetOber" Jet Rally. Fantastic. We love our spectators. I think it's safe to say they like us too!
2017 Plum Island Airport RC Flyers "JetOber" Jet Rally. A fantastic event with beautiful weather 3 of the 4 days.
Compliments of Peter Miller at the Gardner Jet Rally
Compliments of Peter Miller at the Gardner Jet Rally
Compliments of Peter Miller at the Gardner Jet Rally
Compliments of Peter Miller at the Gardner Jet Rally
Compliments of Peter Miller at the Gardner Jet Rally
Compliments of Peter Miller at the Gardner Jet Rally
2017 Plum Island IMAC Scale Aerobatics Competition
2017 Plum Island IMAC Scale Aerobatics Competition
2017 Plum Island IMAC Scale Aerobatics Competition
2017 Plum Island IMAC Scale Aerobatics Competition
2017 Plum Island IMAC Scale Aerobatics Competition
2017 Plum Island IMAC Scale Aerobatics Competition
2017 Plum Island IMAC Scale Aerobatics Competition
2017 Plum Island IMAC Scale Aerobatics Competition
2017 Plum Island IMAC Scale Aerobatics Competition
2017 Plum Island IMAC Scale Aerobatics Competition
Estate Sale of Barry Schubert. Oh by the way that RV Bus was for sale too!! lol
Mark Sullivan of the 107th RC Flyers Club in amazement!!
Barry Schubert Collection. Piled to the ceiling!!! WOW!!!
Kingtech 160 power-plant for the new BAE Hawk 2.3M
Again, don't know why it's upside down but click it and you'll see it correctly. Another view of the cockpit instruments. Battery voltage!
Don't know why it's showing upside down!!! Click it and it will be in the correct orientation. This is some of the electronics in my cockpit. This is my ECU for my turbine. No need to plug it in!
My first official duty as a AMA D1 AVP! This was in Maryland. Steven Goler, Andy Kane, Larry Roper, member of the host club. Can't remember his name and I apologize
Bob Segroi flying his Skeleton Blade Q350 dressed up! Genius!!!
Bob Segroi flying his Skeleton Blade Q350 dressed up! Halloween Plum Island Fun Fly Genius!!!
Halloween Plum Island Fun Fly costume contest! 2016
Halloween Plum Island Fun Fly. Who do you thing won? LOL (not me)
My Good Friend "Smiling" Jack Shafman! RIP
One of my favorite shots of all my jets. This is the only "Smoking" I've ever done!!!
This was several years ago. I think this is the plane I got my waiver with at the Maine Jet Rally!
Here is my Elan Ferrari with a nice flyby shot in North Carolina FIF!
John Almeida spotting for me at First In Flight Jet Rally in Wilson North Carolina 2016. I'm heading to the flight station.
Jim Brown and his T-ONE Jet
Memorial Day bridge lit up in Red White and Blue for Memorial Day in Conn.
Larry and his mini Turbinator heading out for a flight
Larry and mini Turbinator again!
Doug Ives' brand new Boomerang XL. It's a Virgin! lol
My very good friend Pham on helicopter tour
Chris Gleason and his Breitling L-39 at Plum Island for it's maiden flight 4/4/2017 Flight was flawless!! Good Job Chris
Larry's first time eating crabs!
How do you eat these!! lol
He's about to get cracked!! lol
Larry training one of the Eastern Shore Aeromodelers members
Can't get away from the Yankees but I can hide them! lol
Me training on of the Eastern Shore Aeromodelers members
My XL turbine on the buddy box
He's doing good so I could let one hand free for a moment! lol
Tapping the veins for turbine injection! lol
Eastern Shore Aeromodelers Club Field
Eastern Shore Aeromodelers Club pit area!
Larry going over the details!
Len from Eastern Shore Aeromodelers Club
Some of the participants that came to the introduction to turbines at the Eastern Shore Aeromodelers Club
Spectator Interaction at Plum Island
Crowd Q & A at the flight line at Plum Island
Plum Island IMAC- double flight line; judges, caller and pilot
Plum Island IMAC Scale Aerobatics
Would you believe over 1500 flights! RIP Bandit
Plum Island Airport RC Flyers- "Jets and Giants"
Plum Island Av. Appreciation Day- Jet demos
Plum Island Aviation Appreciation Day- Jet briefing!
Plum Island Aviation Appreciation Day- Q&A
Plum Island Aviation Appreciation Day- The parents got in on the intro flying too!
Plum Island Aviation Appreciation Day- Preflight instructor briefing
Plum Island Aviation Appreciation Day- Full training line with buddy boxes
Plum Island Aviation Appreciation Day RC Demos by World Champion and Sponsored Demo pilots
Plum Island Aviation Appreciation Day- plane rides a highlight!
Plum Island Aviation Appreciation Day
Plum Island Open Fly- a little bit of everything.
PIARCF- Spectator interaction always encouraged. We appreciate our great fans.
Plum Island- Buddy Boxing for all ages. Bikes to Buddy Boxes!
Another Happy Intro Flyer at Plum Island
Intro Flying a priority at all Open Fly Ins at Plum Island
Plum Island Airport RC Flyers- PIARCF Newburyport, MA
Plum Island Airport RC Flyers- Home of the Plum Island IMAC Scale Aerobatic Competition
PIARCF- Club flying at Plum Island
Plum Island Airport RC Flyers- Home of Jets & Giants- Jet Rally, IMAC Competition, Open Fly Ins and more!