Outreach Event Schedule
ADOT- AMA District 1 Outreach Team
Welcome visitors. We hope you can attend one or more of these events. If you are interested in membership in AMA or are an educator or community member interested in the Team services
please reach out to us at:
*If you are an AMA member interested in participating and volunteering
please reach out to the Outreach Team members or AVPs Daren Hudson, Doug Thompson or VP Andy Argenio.
We would like to recognize and thank our partners and director Rich Little
and his team for forming a wonderful synergistic relationship for both organizations.
We are also very excited about our growing collaborations with the Northeast FAA AVSED- Aviation and Space Education STEM Program managed by our friend Ed Cormier. We look forward to joining Ed and his team at more expos in 2025!
2025 Schedule
April 26, Saturday- Plum Island Airport, Newburyport, MA-
"Aviation Day" Plum Island Airport, 24 Plum Island Trpk, Newbury, MAAn airport Open House w/ Flight4CF to support the Flight School, the historic Airport (*first in New England!), AMA, and PIARCF- Plum Island Airport RC Flyers (home/ host club) plans to participate.
*This is a great season opener outreach event! Wonderful host club, PIARCF participation, collaboration with Flight4CF and full scale/ military operations with an estimated 2000 visitors. Come check it out. RC Simulators, Static displays, Demonstration flights, Control Line, Introductory Flights for all ages with instructors!
May 17, Southbridge Municipal Airport Aviation Expo, Southbridge, MA- w/ Flight4CF *CD: ? Requires a team of at least 4 for static, sim, flight demo and Intro flying. Would prefer at least 1 volunteer from last year. Will brief.
May 17, Girl Scouts of Maine Aviation Day. Brunswick, ME.
60 Girl Scouts, Mixed activities- STEAM- Build, speaking, sim, demo. In cooperation with: GS of Maine, U of Maine Augusta, FAA AVSED. CD- Daren Hudson. *Will need at least 1 additional volunteer all day.
May 17, Wings, Water, Wheels Open House, Winn Aero, Laconia Airport, Laconia, NH : STEAM- developing hands on experience. Plan on static, simulator, promo materials and Q&A. *Will require at least 2 volunteers, we will brief and supply some materials to volunteers.
May 29, Aviation & Maritime STEM Expo at Logan Airport : Static, Sim, Educational Outreach at Delta Hangar. Good time last year.
*More details to come
Jun 7 Rochester, NH Skyhaven Airport Wings n Wheels- w/ Flight4CF A flying and static/ interactive event. As usual we will plan to be nimble and flexible to provide whatever we can for the participants. We are helping to transition this airport event from a fair to air focus. CD-
SEP 6-7, Thunder Over NH Airshow, Pease ANGB, Pease Airport Portsmouth, NH Our second Thunder Over NH show and 3rd time at Pease for STEM. Possible flight demos and Intro flying this year (under negotiations!). *More details to come
SEP 28 , 10:00-2:00, Concord Wings & Wheels, Concord Airport, Concord, NH Our 11th year as the "Wings"! *More details to come
Recaps of past EVENTS- What we've done!
2024: A Fantastic second "official" year of ADOT Events!
Completed- April 27 Plum Island Airport, Newburyport, MA- Aviation Day Open House w/ Flight4CF to support Flight School, Airport, AMA, and PIARCF club- CD-Daren Hudson, Plum Island Airport RC Flyers (home club) plans to participate.
*Great 2024 season opener outreach event! Wonderful host club, PIARCF participation, collaboration with Flight4CF and full scale operations with an estimated 2000 visitors.
Completed- May 4 Southbridge Municipal Airport Aviation Expo, Southbridge, MA- w/ Flight4CF CD- Doug Thompson
*A wonderful inaugural event at Southbridge Airport. Manager looking forward to 2025!
Learn More EVENT RECAP on FB Video Recap of event
Completed- May 18 Pease Air National Guard Base 157 th ARW STEM Open House- Static, Interractive (Sims, FPG9s) ages 12-20, potential 2500 participants!
Completed- May 23 BOS Logan FAA MASSPORT Aviation Expo, Delta Hangar Logan Airport- D1VP Andy Argenio, AVPs: Daren Hudson, Doug Thompson and Steve Brehm joined our friends at Northeast FAA AVSED and about 100 other STEAM exhibitors welcomed 2500 invited Boston, MA area HS students for a static and interactive (RC simulators and videos) event. We were able to gather much feedback about knowledge of AMA outside our community as well as networking with educators and other exhibitors.
Event Recap on FB Event Walk through YouTube video
Completed- Jun 1 Rochester, NH Skyhaven Airport Wings n Wheels- w/ Flight4CF A flying and static/ interactive event. As usual we will plan to be nimble and flexible to provide whatever we can for the participants. We are helping to transition this airport event from a fair to air focus. CD-
Learn More Event RECAP Video on FB
Completed- Jun 15 Seacoast Airfield Aviation Day, Eliot, ME- w/ Flight4CF CD- Doug Thompson
Completed- Jul 19 Winn Aero ACE Camp, Laconia Airport, Laconia, NH- Outreach Team Coordinators Doug Thompson and Daren Hudson attended this one day educational outreach and were able to network with several interesting STEAM based exhibitors and HS students. Event Recap on FB
Completed- Aug 17 Lawrence Airport National Aviation Day, Lawrence, MA- w/ Flight4CF Coordinator- Wayne Watjus Event Recap on FB
Completed- Sep 7 Girl Scouts of Maine/ America- Maine Girl Scouts Aviation Badge Event- Collaborative effort with AMA D1 ADOT, UMA (Univ. of Maine Augusta) and Ed Cormier with FAA AVSED- Aviation & Space Education Program at Brunswick, ME Airport campus. ADOT Event Coordinator and AVP Doug Thompson reports a very successful, collaborative and networking day that will certainly be expanded in 2025 to involve more scouts and GSOA leadership to move the Aviation Badge initiative forward.Nice work Doug!
Completed- Sept 14-15 Beverly Airshow, Beverly Airport, Beverly, MA- w/ Flight4CF CD- Daren Hudson Learn More Event Recap on FB YouTube Event video
Completed- Sep 29 Concord Wings n Wheels, Concord Airport, Concord, NH-
CD- John Yassemedis Event Recap on FB
Completed- Oct 10 2nd Annual Aerospace Career Fair, Laconia Airport, Gilford, NH-
The D1 ADOT joins more than 50 aerospace exhibitors from 9-1 (invited guests) 1-3 (general public). Co sponsors: Winn Aero, Laconia Airport and Sky Bright Aviation. Come see Doug Thompson and Daren Hudson at our static, simulator/ interactive, Q&A Exhibit. Event Recap on FB Event Walk Through YouTube video
Completed- Oct 19 Hampton Airfield Celebration of Flight, Hampton, NH- w/ Flight4CF CD- Daren Hudson Event Recap on FB Event Video on Youtube
2023: A successful first "official" year for our team.
May 6
Plum Island Airport RC Flyers "Aviation Day"- New England Outreach Team provides public outreach with Static, Simulators, Q&A, Flight Demonstrations, and Introductory Flights.
Aug 22
Joni and Friends Camp public. educational outreach. Members of the New England Outreach Team visit Joni and Friends Camp, Greenfield, NH. Members of the New England Outreach Team visited the camp to provide Static displays, Q&A, Flight Demonstrations and Introductory Flights.
Aug 26
Seacoast Airfield Aviation Day- Inaugural event in cooperation with Flight4CF. New England Outreach Team provides Static, Simulator, Q&A, Flight Demonstrations, and Introductory Flights.
https://flight4cf.com/seacoast-airfield/ Recap on FB
Aug 26-27
Plum Island Airport RC Flyers host 11th Plum Island IMAC contest with coordinated public outreach by New England Outreach Team. Aug 26 in cooperation with Newbury Town Day
https://www.newburytownday.com/events Newbury Town Day on FB Recap on FB
September 8-10
Thunder Over NH Airshow- 8- Military Family Day, 9-10- Public Airshow. Outreach Team in STEM Exhibit area Hangar 253.
https://thunderovernewhampshire.com/ STEM Video Promo Facebook Reel RECAP on FaceBook
September 17
Concord Wings and Wheels- For the 8th Year New England Outreach Team are the featured "Wings" of this GSAMA- Granite State Airport Managers Association STEM Scholarship Fundraiser. Static, Simulator, Q&A, Flight Demonstrations and Introductory Flying!
https://www.concordnh.gov/1713/Wings-Wheels-Event FACEBOOK RECAP Facebook REEL
September 23-24
Beverly Airport Family Day in cooperation with Flight4CF fundraiser. * Regrettably, the Outreach Team had to pull out of this event. A few Team members may be present with a smaller display. We look forward to working with Flight4CF for the 2024 Beverly Airshow in development.
October 14
Hampton Airport Celebration of Flight in cooperation with Flight4CF fundraiser. Inaugural event featuring New England Outreach Team with Static, Simulator, Q&A, Flight Demonstrations and Introductory Flying. *Rescheduled from May due to rain.
https://flight4cf.com/hampton-airfield/ FACEBOOK RECAP Facebook REEL